Book Yer Ane Fest XV | Entropía Records

Book Yer Ane Fest XV

Book Yer Ane Fest XV is happening the last weekend of November. It’s a benefit music festival in Dundee, Scotland to raise money & awareness in solidarity with Wrasac Dundee & Angus, Dundee Women’s Aid & Dundee Foodbank. It’s run by Derrick and the Make That a Take Records crew, and it’s an amazing weekend of music, friends and stories. You can read more about the history and such of the festival on the MTAT website.

I went to my first Book Yer Ane Fest on the year they moved it to Conroy’s Basement and Rad Apples in 2019 (I think?). By that time I already knew some folks and bands from the local scene, but it was a great opportunity to meet more people, see new bands, consume new music and make new friends. They had two stages, the traditional one in the basement and another one upstairs in the Rad Apples pub. I had an amazing time, it was an incredible weekend. Since then, BYAF has been like my «Christmas time», the time of the year I most look forward to.

During the dark times between 2020, the festival obviously didn’t go ahead. So when they organized BYAF XIV in record time right as we were coming out of however many lockdowns, I was so excited to be back. Once again, it was an amazing experience.

This year will be Derrick’s last time organizing the festival (you can read more about that here), but I’m sure it’ll continue to be something amazing with other folks in charge. Thanks Derrick for the festival and this thing we call «the scene». The bands have already been announced, but even in the best of times, the list is dynamic and can change on the day itself. The line up is awesome, I’m really looking forward to seeing some of my favourite local bands and new ones.

I happened to be at Rad Apples the day the weekend tickets went online and I bought mine as soon as I could #InsiderInformation. I have my accommodation booked and will spend the entire weekend in lovely Dundee. I might be posting stuff to social networks during the festival, or I might just be enjoying the shows and being around like-minded people like I’ve been focusing more on recently, we’ll see.

Really looking forward to this…


👉👉👉 Tickets 🎫 👈👈👈

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